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Newsletter June/July

These months have taught us so much! We have learned to wait on the Lord, to walk through being sustained by His word, to understand that Christ Himself is the most important thing above all. To walk in unity for love of the Lord and the body of Christ.

We were in Costa Rica ministering times of praise during the “Refill” conference and we were able to minister Malachi 4:6 “He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers” and God brought restoration to many broken hearts and families.

The unity of the Body of Christ was also ministered between Churches and ministries in the city of Coronado Costa Rica. We learned a lot. And guess what? The Lord provided a violin for Daniela (she has longed to learn for quite some time, so she could worship with that instrument!) It was a beautiful miracle! A family from Costa Rica gifted it to her! We are excited for her to start learning. Please be praying for this.

We were also able to serve in our community of San Antonio Aguas Calientes, through the dental day for all families. We had a team from the United States that came to serve, it was beautiful!

Also some exciting and challenging news coming: Ready? Ok here it goes:

We ask you to pray for us! The Lord has put it in our hearts to go to the city of Turkey to strengthen a prayer room for 1 month. This first trip will have the purpose of strengthening the house of prayer in the city of Pergamos so that the gospel expands in that place. Please watch the video, we want to encourage you to sow in this call that the Lord has confirmed for us as a family.

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