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Newsletter / October 2022

Hello! We as a family have been transformed. Praise the Lord!

We have spent one month in Turkey and we have learned so much. So, so much! We learned more than you can imagine about prayer and intercession. It is a need!

From the first morning, we were impacted. The sound of the muslims call to prayer woke us up, and we had no idea what that was. It happened every few hours every day and you could hear it all throughout the city. It was something we have never experienced before. Daniela and Valeria had so many questions about this. And in the midst of all of this, He spoke. He affirmed us. He showed us how great is He.

He taught us that He is a shield around us. ("But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high." Psalms 3:3)

The hours spent in the house of prayer interceding for the nation of Turkey, praising the Lord, having devotional times and listening to His voice so clearly were amazing. We enjoyed so much spending around 5 hours every day in intercession for cities around Turkey and for cities who's names we couldn't even pronounced! But our hearts grew with so much love for this nation.

And being in Pergamum taught us how to stand on the word of God. The oppression and the spiritual heaviness is very intense.

The need to pray and to cry out to the Lord is a need. And as a family, the Lord enlarged our hearts and we were able to grow together in unity with our girls and stand in this season.

We visited some of the churches mentioned in the book of Revelation (this was an dream that Willy had and it was part of our prayer program)

We walked where Paul the apostle walked, we visited the church of Pergamum where the throne of Satan was established. And in that place, the Lord revealed to us how greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.

During one of the visit to a local church, we saw a former muslim young girl give her life to Jesus. It was one of our most amazing moments of this month. To see turks praise the name of Jesus and walk with so much assurance that He is Lord, is unbelievable.

We would love to share more of her testimony with you. And also we were able to meet a guy that is very interested in knowing more about Jesus but still is muslim.

The language is hard. Turkish is a very interesting language. And even though we took 2 months of Turkish with an app in our phones, it was very hard to understand! We could get by a little bit, ordering food and saying a few phrases to people, but it was interesting. We loved being able to have some interactions with some of the local people. They are very warm and hospitable.

At this time, we are back home. And Turkey is in our hearts. There is a huge need for workers to bring the gospel to nations in the Middle East.

We are praying and asking the Lord to know how we can continue to do His will for our family in this season. He has spoken over our families Isaiah 61, and we want to walk in obedience wherever the Lord wants us to go.

Would you please join us in prayer?

We also need financial monthly supporters for us, as a missionary family.

If you are one of our supporters: THANK YOU.

And if you are not supporting the missions field, but the Lord is calling you to sow, please message us. We would love to share with you about our hearts for the Middle East and nations where the gospel needs to be preached and shown. Christ in us, our hope of Glory!

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