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Updated: Mar 14, 2023

So much happening!

During our weekly medical outreach, a lady was healed from depression. And now, she is serving as a volunteer! This is amazing! You can watch the medical outreach video at the end of this newsletter.

The Lord has sent new supporters!

We are still raising funds for our monthly support. But the Lord has been so faithful and has sent new people to sow monthly. NO AMOUNT IS SMALL.

We have tasted and seen His goodness as JEHOVAH JIREH, our Provider.

Would you

prayerfully consider partnering with us to become our monthly supporter or as a one time donor?

Every person who joins to sow or pray is part of what we are doing.

Many cannot go, but they can sow. If you would like to help as a financial supporter or as part of our prayer team or both, please send us a message!

And if you are already part of what we are doing, THANK YOU.

We are doing this together!

The Lord is raising up intercessors!

Since we started the prayer room, for many months it was just the 4 of us as a family, getting together to intercede at our prayer house. Now, there are more people daily, who have understood the call to intercede. The Lord is raising people with understanding of the times.

Discipleship and training

We are training missionaries who are already in the field through the Word, weekly. Our objective and goal is that missionaries can walk with a biblical understanding that comes from feeding well on the Word, and not just "doing things" as workers. And we are having abundant fruit!

Our congregation is growing!

Yes in number, but mostly Christ! Our pastors took a step of obedience to change location as a congregation, and many families are being added who are committing to the Lord! And now many young people whom we are training in worship, are growing with a desire to learn and serve the Lord with their gifts.

It has been beautiful!

And we have already begun to serve a community/village with our congregation called Concepcion Pinula.

It is a low-income community, with approximately 800 children, and many broken families. Our goal for this community is to see it be transformed through the love of Jesus, discipleship of families and the donation of food bags. We are hoping to plan a medical outreach for the families as well.


  1. More supporters for our family as missionaries sent by the Lord.

  2. Wisdom to see patients with understanding during our weekly medical outreach.

  3. Strategy and direction in our family to walk guided by His Spirit.

  4. Pray for the community Concepción Pinula so that the word of God transforms families.

MEDICAL OUTREACH VIDEO: Please watch this short video of the latest medical outreach! MANY TESTIMONIES! It is amazing!


The Menendez.

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