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Stepping into obedience and waiting on Him

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to read about what The Lord is doing through us and in us. He is faithful. (Isaiah 40:31)

After our trip to Turkey, we took a few weeks to process about it. We asked the Lord many, many questions as we poured our hearts. It was hard to get used to our life back in Guatemala because spending 5 weeks in another country and in a muslim culture was very impacting.

The Lord taught us so much, that we needed time to process and have conversations with The Lord about it.

We started working on a documentary to encourage the Body of Christ to intercede, called ¨Behind the Closed door ¨(I will share the link here again, in case you haven't had the chance to view it:

We have had many testimonies of people about how it has changed their perspective on intercession, how it was challenged them as missionaries to walk in a lifestyle of prayer. One person messaged us saying ¨Thank you for this video, I realized I have not been praying enough over the people I interact with¨

This is incredible. This video is bearing fruit in the lives of people.

More news: We are doing Medical missions! In June of 2022, we started serving as part of a ministry called ¨Healing Nations ¨every week.

Many of you know, that we graduated as medical doctors and then stepped into full time ministry and never pursued medicine as a profession. But a door was opened here in Antigua Guatemala, for us to serve as part of a medical team that provides medical services to low income families for free.

Once a week, under supervision of US medical professionals, we are able to see many patients and are able to also share the Gospel with them.

It has been a great opportunity for us to use our medical degree to serve the Lord and to help families. We have seen people be healed from depression, diabetes, anxiety and to receive the Gospel! It has been amazing!

This ministry is formed by nurses and doctors that are missionaries (like us) that self support to be able to provide medical care as part of their ministry.

We know that we are not called to open a clinic as a business anymore, but as part of our ministry use the medical part as an opportunity for them to know Jesus.

Kids are learning more music! in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, we have seen a growth in the kids that are regularly taking music classes and now they are learning how to worship the Lord with their instruments. During our Christmas dinner, they lead a song and praised the Lord and it was such a special time, because we received a donation of new guitars for the kids so they can continue their classes! it was so special. Here is a little video of the kids:

We continue raising support for our family to be able to continue as missionaries wherever the Lord calls us to. And we would like to ask you to pray for us as we seek for new partners that want to sow in us monthly. It has been a season of waiting on the Lord and asking Him who we need to reach out to.

We are not yet fully funded yet, and therefore it has been a season of waiting on the Lord in this area.

We are learning as we hear His voice.

A long time a go, we were afraid to ask for support. We didn't know how to do it. But recently I (Sofi) was reading Philippians and i read about how Paul wrote in a letter to the church in Philippians and tells them how their gift (support) is a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

¨I have received full payment and have more than enough. I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.¨ Philippians 4:18

Wow, that completely changed my mind! And we started asking the Lord also to provide for us so that we can also support other missionaries in the field. As we are being supported, we want to support as well soon.

As a family we are learning in this area as we seek out support. We have a new understanding from the Lord about it. Please continue to pray for us as our hearts are gaining more understanding and trust in Him with our finances.

Currently, we are praying to raise $2,900 monthly for our family needs (housing, food, gasoline, school, etc) . If you would like to support us monthly or as a one time gift, please message us.

All of your donations are will receive a tax-deductible receipt that will be sent from World Outreach Ministries office.

This is the link for financial support:

We would love to meet with you in person or through video, to share our heart and more in depth about what He is asking us to do in this new season of our lives.

Thank you for those who pray for us faithfully, we have seen results from your intercession and your prayers sustain us daily.

Also for those who faithfully support us financially, thank you.

We love you, and we continue to pray for you,

The Menendez Family

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